March 21-25, 2022


TEKS (C.7A-C.7B)
Monday: Review Naming Ionic Compounds / Guided Practice / Assignment:Going Over Practice Test
Tuesday: Naming Ionic Compounds /Independent Assessment / Assignment: Ionic Compounds Test #2
Wednesday: Naming Acids and Covalent Compounds /Guided Notes and Guided Practice / Assignment:
Thursday: Naming Acids and Covalent Compounds /Guided Notes and Guided Practice / Assignment: Naming Compounds
Friday: Ionic Compounds, Acids, Covalent Compounds  /Independent Assessment/ Assignment: Naming Compounds Test

Pre AP Chemistry

TEKS (10A-F)
Monday: Reviewed Gas Laws, Ideal Gas Laws Introduction/ Guided Notes, Guided Practice/ Assignment:
Tuesday: Ideal Gas Laws Introduction/ Guided Notes, Guided Practice/ Assignment: Pg 233 Problems 34, 36,38

Wednesday: STP, Gas Stoichiometry, Density of a gas/ Guided Notes, Guided Practice/ Assignment:
Thursday: STP, Gas Stoichiometry, Density of a gas/ Independent Practice/ Assignment: Pg 233-234 Problems 47, 49, 52, 59, 60
Friday: Ideal Gas Laws, STP, Gas Stoichiometry, Density of a gas/ Independent Practice/ Assignment: Ideal Gas Worksheet

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